Planning Your Meals

Planning Your Meals

Your diet plays an integral role in your health and your weight loss goals. As part of the Getting Healthy Series, you’ve learned about the role that Calories play in weight loss, and have calculated how many calories you should eat each day. You’ve reviewed the importance of eating balanced meals. You’ve set your SMART goals and have a deadline for your tight, manageable goals for getting healthy. In this example,...

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Investigating Diet Fads

Investigating Diet Fads

When you navigate the internet, open a magazine, or watch late-night television, you are bombarded with ads that tout the latest dieting craze. You might have tried the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, and Paleo. Before you decide on a diet that might work for you, you should research the diets and educate yourself about nutrition and health. WARNING: You should always consult a doctor before making changes to your diet, and have...

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Setting SMART Goals

Setting SMART Goals

Setting goals is an important process for personal and professional growth. Whether you are thinking about long-term or short-term goals for any area of your life, you need to set SMART goals. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. If your goal is just to “lose weight” you probably won’t succeed. If your goal is to “get a promotion”, you won’t get very far....

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Calories and Losing Weight

Calories and Losing Weight

As a general rule, if you consume less calories that your body needs, you will lose weight. Your body will take what it needs from its stored fat and convert it to energy. In practice, it’s not that simple. A Calorie (food calorie or kcal) is defined as the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius. To determine the number of calories that are in a food item, you can burn the...

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Getting Healthy Series

Getting Healthy Series

As a New Year’s resolution, in preparation for swimsuit season, or for whatever reason, you’ve decided to make some changes to implement a healthier lifestyle. As part of the Getting Healthy Series, we’ll look at the following subjects in detail: Health Basics – Learn about the basics of getting healthy, including diet and exercise essentials. Setting Goals – Determine your health goals to create and...

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