Application Icons

How does Windows even use the icons you create?

I found some icons on the [Brushes Download] webpage. I decided to do a little reverse engineering to try to figure out how to make all the icons. I have previously installed a plugin that lets me open and save in the Icon format (.ico). Go to my [cref favicon-tutorial] Post for more info on that.

So I opened the .ico file in Photoshop. The following is a list of the different icons that were in the one .ico file:

There were 14 icons in the one .ico file. Photoshop will only let you open one of them at a time. I opened a few of them to see what image mode was used:

  1. 256×256, 32 bits/pixel settings were – RGB Color / 8 Bits/Channel. Resolution 72 pixels/inch:
    Icon2.jpg Icon3.jpg
  2. 256 x 256, 8 bits/pixel (256 colours) – Indexed Color / 8 Bits/Channel. Resolution 72 pixels/inch
  3. 128 x 128, 32 bits/pixel settings were – RGB Color / 8 Bits/Channel. Resolution 72 pixels/inch
  4. 128 x 128, 8 bits/pixel (256 colours) – Indexed Color / 8 Bits/Channel. Resolution 72 pixels/inch
  5. 64 x 64, 32 bits/pixel settings were – RGB Color / 8 Bits/Channel. Resolution 72 pixels/inch
  6. 64 x 64, 8 bits/pixel (256 colours) – Indexed Color / 8 Bits/Channel. Resolution 72 pixels/inch
  7. 48 x 48, 32 bits/pixel settings were – RGB Color / 8 Bits/Channel. Resolution 72 pixels/inch
  8. 48 x 48, 8 bits/pixel (256 colours) – Indexed Color / 8 Bits/Channel. Resolution 72 pixels/inch
  9. And so on… It’s a pretty easy pattern

I believe the best thing to do is to create 2 icon images. One a 256 x 256 RGB Color / 8 Bits/Channel. Resolution 72 pixels/inch and one a 256 x 256 Indexed Color / 8 Bits/Channel. Resolution 72 pixels/inch.

I created a set of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Mono orbs using directions from this page:

Soon, I’ll work on making those orbs into the various icons I need.

Author: Steph

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