Show Your WordPress Blog On Your Outside Website
Tutorial: How To Show Posts From Your WordPress Blog On A Webpage In order to do this, your blog must be installed on the same server as the website you want to use to display the post. For example, you might have your blog located at and would like to display certain posts on the front page at Or you might have your blog at and would like to display certain posts on...
HTML is the cornerstone of Web development. You will not succeed if you are not familiar with this language. Brant recommends the book HTML for Dummies. You can also learn online, with other books, or through trial and error. A good reference page that I use a lot is [W3 Schools]. Note: I strongly recommend you get started on HTML with CSS. Make sure you read my [cref css] entry!
Password Tutorial
This information was taken and very slightly altered from the [Scott Page]. Background This is a demonstration of how to password protect a page. All users have the same password which is hardwired in php code. To give each user their own password the user’s user id and unique password must be stored in a database. The idea is to check for a LoggedIn cookie set to TRUE at the beginning of a protected page. If the cookie...
Search Bars
Scott has had some trouble with a search bar in his dad’s website, but Brant says that Google has a great one that works very well. You can check it out at [Pit Row Sports]. It looks great and plays well with his CSS. I got it working on my HTML site, but it doesn’t work on my PHP page. See the [cref search-bar-tutorial] page for instructions for implementing this.
HTML Technologies
The basics of [cref HTML] are: Formatting Styles Links Images Tables Lists Colors Once you can do these easily, you can tackle more advanced concepts like: Forms Frames Scripts Events