Home Maintenance
In Week One of the Organized Life Series, the goal is to create calendars and schedules for cleaning & maintenance and to develop a weekly schedule. In order to prepare a cleaning and household maintenance calendar, you need to be prepared. This article is intended to supplement the creation of those calendars. Home Maintenance List Make a list of home maintenance chores for each area of the home and listed by the frequency of the...
Cleaning Chores
In Week One of the Organized Life Series, your goal is to create calendars and schedules for cleaning & maintenance and to develop a weekly schedule. In order to prepare a cleaning and household maintenance calendar, you need to be prepared. This article is intended to supplement the creation of those calendars. Make A List of Cleaning Chores Make a list of cleaning chores for each room based on the frequency of the cleaning. You...
Moving To A Central Web Calendar [Organization #1]
In Week One of our Organized Life Series, our goal is to create calendars and schedules for cleaning & maintenance and to develop a weekly schedule. Cleaning Cleaning a house seems like an endless battle. Especially if there are children around. You may have tried different things throughout the years. Waiting until you can’t take it anymore and doing an 8-hour cleaning spree. Or having one cleaning day a week that you...
Start A Small Business
The next step on my Web Programming journey is to start up my small business. Believe it or not, my minor at the university was in business administration and I managed a restaurant for 7 years, so I’m not completely ignorant in these matters. What I don’t know is how to START my own business. So I’m going to take good notes and share what I learn with others. The information that I share here will be specific to...
Blog Static Homepage Tutorial
By default, WordPress has the homepage set to show a summary of your blogs in order from newest to oldest. If you want to set up a static homepage – like I did, these are the steps you need to take. Enable “Permalinks” to show the “page title” in the address, since /index.php?p=123 defeats the purpose of making a static front page. (Do this before making any pages, otherwise, you’ll have to go back...