Moving A WordPress Site
I recently moved this WordPress site from to Both domains were located on the same server, using GoDaddy Linux Shared Hosting. Some of the instructions below may change for your particular install, but the general procedure should be the same. For this tutorial, I am using the following programs and technologies: [GoDaddy] Linux Shared Hosting Chrome Web Browser [FileZilla] FTP Client...
Financial Database Table Creation Tutorial
This is the SQL command set that can be uploaded to the database and automatically create and fill the tables. Download the file from from HERE. To view the SQL and copy/paste it, you can see that below. [code lang="SQL"] CREATE TABLE masterlogin ( ml_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(120) NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL ) TYPE = MYISAM; INSERT INTO masterlogin (ml_id, username, password) VALUES...
Personal Finance Web
I’ve got another project in mind to solve a personal problem. The Problem I bank online and use online billpay through my bank for most of my bills. I occasionally write checks. I currently use a spreadsheet to manage my budget because I set up my budget biweekly (when I receive a paycheck) rather than monthly. I want a way to keep an eye on my budget biweekly, but am currently doing that through a spreadsheet. I have used...
WLC Results Source Code
This source code uses forms to get data from the database. [code...
Database Tutorial
How to install the Database in GoDaddy In GoDaddy, go to the Hosting Control Center. (Note – I set this up on my free GoDaddyhosting account and PHP gave me trouble with posts, so I had to move the PHP to my paid hosting account. The database is still on my free account.) Go to “Databases” and click on MySQL. Click on the “Create Database” button and go through the wizard. Once the process is complete and...
Install Your Own Server
Donnie discussed the WAMP server installation = (windows), Apache, MySQL, PHP at [WampServer Installation].
MySQL is a open-source heavily-used relational database management system. [GoDaddy] provides MySQL databases on both their free hosting and the paid hosting. To implement my Weight Loss Challenge Database that you can see on the main [LexClab Site], I created a database using the UI provided in Godaddy. I created a table in that UI, then used code in my website to populate and display the data using PHP and MySQL. See the [cref...