Backing Up Your Files [Organization #9]

Backing Up Your Files [Organization #9]

This week in the Organized Life Series, we will be getting our backup system organized for documents, photos, music, and even email. It’s not fun to think about, but if disaster strikes, you’ll regret it if you don’t think about it now. What disasters do you need to prepare for? Let’s start with the most likely and go from there: Hard drive failure – if you’ve been using computers for a while,...

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When designing your own webpage, Photoshop can be your best friend. I’ll be putting any Photoshop info that I gather in here. For some basics, I found a good article in eHow to get started. Check out that page at [Photoshop Guide]. Some of the articles include: Using Layers Using Masks How to use Brushes (see the [cref photoshop-brushes] Post) How to make Fire Coloring More… Daryl showed me how to make an animated GIF in...

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