SproutCore Web Development Tool

SproutCore Web Development Tool

What is SproutCore? Open Source HTML5 application framework Framework for creating applications that are complete programs written in JavaScript More like .NET than JQuery or MooTools There’s a great article here from Apple Insider in April. Why is this news? On July 1, Charles Jolley who was one of the primary creators of SproutCore announced that he is leaving Apple. SproutCore is the primary technology that Apple used to...

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Personal Finance Web

I’ve got another project in mind to solve a personal problem. The Problem I bank online and use online billpay through my bank for most of my bills. I occasionally write checks. I currently use a spreadsheet to manage my budget because I set up my budget biweekly (when I receive a paycheck) rather than monthly. I want a way to keep an eye on my budget biweekly, but am currently doing that through a spreadsheet. I have used...

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