Make Multiple Backups In iTunes

Make Multiple Backups In iTunes

This is how I do my multiple backups. 1. Locate the Backup folder. In my XP machine it is located in C:\Documents and Settings\saswope\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup. If you have been doing any backups, you should see at least one folder with a very long name. Mine is “47a2c…4ff3fd”. You may also see some other folders that contain a date time stamp in the name. For example...

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Scheduled Tasks Tutorial

Why Scheduled Tasks? Sometimes, you want to send emails or do database work on a regular schedule without having to click on a page. The reason I needed to know this is because I have a calendar database. People have signed up to bring doughnuts and need to be reminded. Once a week I need the system to send an email to that person to remind them and to update the database. What technology is behind this? Cron is a standard Linux...

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