Use CrashPlan to automatically backup to a network drive (NAS)

As a part of my Backup System, I recommend using CrashPlan. It has a client for WIndows, Mac and Linux. But it has one major problem. You can choose to backup to a folder, external drive, a friends computer or online, but CrashPlan can not backup to a network drive.

I have a NAS (Network Accessible Storage) device that I use to store all my files and backups. So of course I want a solution that can access that storage. Luckily after some searching I found a way to let CrashPlan add a network drive.

The solution is actually pretty simple:

  1. Create a folder somewhere.  For example c:\backup
  2. Open up CrashPlan and go to the Destinations tab of the ap.  Click “Folders” and find your new folder. Leave CrashPlan running and the Destinations tab open.
  3. Delete the new folder you created and just pointed CrashPlan to.
  4. Open a command prompt as an administrator: Go to your start menu and type “cmd”. Do NOT press enter. You’ll see the command prompt show up in your search list. Right-click it and Run As Administrator.
  5. Create a hardlink to the network share: type mklink /d "c:\backup" \\nas\sharename  –  Hit return. You can also mount the share so it has a drive letter and do it this way mklink /d "c:\backup" z:.

Easy Enough!

Author: Steph

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