Moving A WordPress Site
I recently moved this WordPress site from to Both domains were located on the same server, using GoDaddy Linux Shared Hosting. Some of the instructions below may change for your particular install, but the general procedure should be the same. For this tutorial, I am using the following programs and technologies: [GoDaddy] Linux Shared Hosting Chrome Web Browser [FileZilla] FTP Client...
Blog Install WordPress Tutorial
WordPress is simple to install on your GoDaddy account. If you don’t have a GoDaddy account, go to the [Wordpress Download] webpage and go through their 5 minute installation process. If you have a deluxe GoDaddy hosting account like I do, here are the steps you follow: Go to your GoDaddy Hosting Control Center. Do this by logging into your GoDaddy account and select the Hosting Account link. Once on this page, click on the...