Fix Firefox Memory Leak
Does Firefox regularly use over 1 GB of memory on your Windows 7 64-bit computer? You’ll notice slow text entry forms and delayed clicks. If this is driving you nuts, let me share a nice tidbit that I ran across a forum: In your browser address bar type “about:config”. Scroll down to the following: javascript.options.mem.max: Its default value is -1, what I guess means automatic or unlimited. After some testing, I...
Fix the Google Sync Error
I’m running into a problem with my Samsung Infuse 4G. This seems to be a problem across many, many Android devices, including phones and tablets. I keep getting the error: “Sorry! The process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. Force Close.” I keep getting this error over and over and over. At first, it was intermittent. Then it came more and more often. Finally, it was so bad that I...