5-6-2010 Meeting
This week we met to discuss Mobile Web Programming. We began by looking at a couple of good sites: bmw.mobi – This is a dedicated mobile site. If you were on your mobile phone and wanted to check out this site, you’d have to know to go directly to this site. amazon.com – Amazon automatically determines that you’re on a mobile phone and redirects you to this subpage in their system. We found a nice tutorial...
4-9-2010 Meeting
We didn’t actually meet this week, but I was working on a few things and Daryl helped me with an Animated GIF in Photoshop. Check out the [cref photoshop-animated-gif-tutorial] Post for that information. It’s got a silly animation embedded in the page. I’ve done a lot of Blog stuff. Check out those pages: [cref blogging] [cref blog-basics-tutorial] [cref blog-install-wordpress-tutorial] [cref blog-plugins-tutorial ]...