Movies & TV On Your iPad [iPad Series #9]
This week in the iPad Series, we will discuss ways to watch your favorite movies and television shows on your iPad. As part of the iOS 7 iPad update, this article has been updated, but the screenshots might not be up-to-date. Purpose You have a TV and a computer. Why would you want to watch TV and movies on your iPad? #1 – Home Mobility You might want to use your iPad to watch movies or TV at home. You might want to sit in the...
Organize Your Videos [Organization #8]
You have shelves and shelves of DVDs and Blu-rays. You would like your kids or the babysitter to be able to pick up the remote and watch the video library on any TV in the house without worry of scratching DVDs and Blu-rays. You want to archive discs you have purchased. Legal: Before considering the legality of a situation, I begin with my own personal morals. I purchased each of these DVDs. I should be able to make a digital copy for...