Music: #7 in the Organized Life Series

Music: #7 in the Organized Life Series

This week in the Organized Life Series, we will be organizing our music collection. There are various things to consider about this organization plan. How many devices or users do you have? Are you locked into a system?  What are your needs? What is your history? Perspective of this Article Before we start planning, it’s important to know where I’m coming from. History Back around 2001 (I’m guessing, here) I bought...

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Personal Finance Web

I’ve got another project in mind to solve a personal problem. The Problem I bank online and use online billpay through my bank for most of my bills. I occasionally write checks. I currently use a spreadsheet to manage my budget because I set up my budget biweekly (when I receive a paycheck) rather than monthly. I want a way to keep an eye on my budget biweekly, but am currently doing that through a spreadsheet. I have used...

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