Doing Work On Your iPad [iPad Series #5]
This week in the iPad Series we’ll be talking about apps that help you get work done. An iPad is a great toy, but as a part of the iPad Series, we’re discussing how we can get more out of that device and make it a part of our daily working and home lives. In order to do that we have to think beyond the “iPad is a toy” mentality and evolve into the “iPad is a tool” mindset. As a tool, the iPad can become an asset to your workday. Today...
Win 7 Password Expires
How to turn off the Windows 7 Password Expiration Setting So once again, Microsoft tries to make its software smarter than the average user. But even the most basic user (especially the most basic user) probably doesn’t want their home computer password to expire. Here’s how to turn off that setting in Windows 7. This works for Premium, Ultimate, Pro, and Enterprise. Go to the Start Menu > Accessories > Command...