Review Your Online Subscriptions This Weekend
Twenty-five years ago, it was much easier to manage subscriptions. At most, people had a Reader’s Digest, possibly other magazine subscriptions, and none of them renewed automatically. Now a lot of people have upwards of a dozen online subscriptions that ding credit cards at different times of the year. This weekend in the Weekend Series, take some time to get all of your subscriptions organized. Make sure you know what...
Using Mint
You’ve been organizing your Finances as part of the Organized Life Series and you’re ready to start using Mint. Great! Mint is a wonderful tool. Just to be clear, I am in no way affiliated with Mint, Intuit, or anything else. I just like most of what Mint allows me to do and I want to help others get those same benefits. About Mint has over 7 million users and is a subsidiary of Intuit. Intuit is the company...
Run Your Finances Online [Organization #3]
This week’s project in the Organized Life Series is to get your finances in order. Does it sometimes seem like your money just runs through your fingers? Do you occasionally get overdraft fees because you forgot about something that was automatically coming out of your account? Have you ever created a budget and then followed it? By the end of the week, you’ll have a proper budget and know how to execute it. You’ll have a...
Personal Finance Web
I’ve got another project in mind to solve a personal problem. The Problem I bank online and use online billpay through my bank for most of my bills. I occasionally write checks. I currently use a spreadsheet to manage my budget because I set up my budget biweekly (when I receive a paycheck) rather than monthly. I want a way to keep an eye on my budget biweekly, but am currently doing that through a spreadsheet. I have used...